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发布时间:2022-01-20 09:14:06
第一讲:你去过后海吗? Have you been to Houhai?
第二讲 我还想过开一个串儿店呢! I’ve thought about opening a kebab restaurant myself!
第三讲 “过”和“了”有什么不一样呢? What’s the difference between “过guo” and “了le”?
第四讲 门开着。 The door is open.
第五讲 门上贴着大红“囍”字儿。 There is a big red double-happiness character pasted on the door.
第六讲 喝着啤酒看世界杯 Watching World Cup while drinking beer
第七讲 新郎喝着喝着就醉了 The groom was drinking and drinking until he got drunk.
第八讲 老师把茶几放在沙发的前边了。 The teacher put the tea table in front of the sofa.
第九讲 老师把房间打扫得很干净。 The teacher swept the room clean.
第十讲 奶奶把盐当成了糖。 The grandmother mistook the salt for sugar.
第十一讲 中国人常常把食物和祝福联系在一起。 Chinese people often link their food and what they wish for together
第十二讲 “被”先生练功夫,被打伤了! Mr. Bei was hurt while practicing Kung Fu.
第十三讲 他被称为“流行音乐之王”。 He is called the “The King of Pop”.
第十四讲 《哈利波特》被翻译成很多种语言。 Harry Potter has been translated into multiple languages.
第十五讲 “被”先生访谈录 An Interview with Mr. Bei
第十六讲:青岛人说青岛话,你听得懂吗?People in Qingdao speak Qingdao dialect.
第十八讲:那儿的啤酒最新鲜,喝一次就忘不了!The beer there is the freshest, and you will never forget the taste after drin
第十九讲:买火车票可等不得!Buying train tickets in a hurry!
第二十讲:1. 为什么不说“我不能听懂青岛话”? 2.“打扫得干净”和“打扫得很干净”有什么不一样?Features of “Complement of Possibility”
第二十讲视频1 (4分钟)
第二十讲 视频2 (6分钟)
第二十一讲:区分可能补语和程度补语Distinguish Complement of Possibility and Complement of Degree